
Brenizer Method

I have been attempting to try some really cool, new, and different techniques this past week, one of which is the "Brenizer Method."  Stated in layman's terms, the Brenizer method employs a technique whereby many individual photographs are stitched together in order to form one massive Megapixel monster of an image.  Now, the point of this is not merely to get large resolution - although that is nice for larger prints - it is to gain an impossible depth of field.  When done at the correct focal distance and the correct aperture, stitched photos using the Brenizer method have a tendency to make the focused object pop off the page in an almost 3D like fashion.

The Image below was a composition of 57 images stitched together in CS5.  The result is an image that could not have been captured with a regular lens in that the Depth of field with even the fastest lens (1.2) could not render this type of separation between the subject in focus and the background.  Take a look and see what you think!

P.S. Special thanks to my wife Hollie for standing still for me :)


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